To organize the work of selling comics on the Internet, various kinds of specialists are also required. They will be responsible for filling the site with content, communicating with potential buyers, processing and preparing orders, etc.
have already worked with products of this type or, at least, often bought them themselves. Understanding the product and knowing the subtleties of the target audience's needs are important qualities for comic book store staff.
Equipment and assortment
Comic book store
The retail equipment should match vietnam whatsapp data the theme and be in harmony with the design of the premises. It is desirable that in addition to a wide range of products, the store should offer the opportunity to order limited editions.
The store's assortment should offer customers comics of various genres: both for adults and for children. It is better to buy as many types of products as possible, even in small quantities. This way, any buyer will be able to find a suitable product for themselves.
Also, in a bookstore of this type, you can sell related thematic goods: souvenirs, games, clothes with comic-themed prints, etc. It would not be superfluous to sell geek paraphernalia.
Comic book icons
Corporate identity
You should start by choosing a company name . It should be catchy and memorable. It is desirable that the name consists of 1-2 words. This way, customers will remember it more easily and will use it to find your products in the future.