Of course, this isn t all. As with most things, there s more to this platform. But there s only so much you can share in a single blog post. I have more Medium related resources here, so feel free to give them a read Still, you should have enough now to understand how the platform works. But if you have any follow up questions, leave them in the comments and I ll do my best to answer. Oh, FYI, I have something a little extra I m calling it a FREE Medium Nockless and you ll be on your merry way to a day email sequence on all things Medium from someone who s been working at it, very seriously, for about . months now Sign up FREE Day Medium Nockless Medium best practices.
Extra resources, Medium tag lists, title lists, and things I ve learned since July , in a day photo editing servies email master nockless You ll also be signing up for my regular newsletters, GET SUPER SIMPLE HIGHLIGHTER | Print Friendly If you study other people s articles to learn the craft of writing, then you ll love the Print Friendly Chrome extension. It allows me to quickly turn any web page into a PDF document that I can save up and print using my Canon printer.

You can even delete images and other unnecessary stuff with a few clicks before you save the PDF document useful because you don t want to print those or they ll eat up all your printer ink GET PRINTFRIENDLY Pocket lets you bookmark an article so you can read later. Pocket lets you bookmark an article so you can read it later. | Pocket The last Chrome extension in this list is Pocket. It s one of many different types of bookmark solutions available out therein just happen to like Pocket.