If necessary, we change the keywords. Content update The content should be regularly expanded and supplemented with new paragraphs. It is a good idea to ensure that all texts are up to date and do not contain outdated information. Language adapted to the target group Let's remember about the recipients. First of all, it is good to define the target group and carefully consider who we direct our services to. Based on this, let's select key phrases and consider may enter into the search engine. Let's adapt the language to the specificity of our industry and target group.
Substantive and linguistic correctness The content should be correct both in terms of content and language. It is worth spending time to ensure that the texts are interesting and do not contain errors. Mat data and ALT attributes Remember that content is not photo retouching only descriptions of categories and services, but also meta data . It is worth including wellthoughtout descriptions containing key words and phrases both in alternative descriptions of graphics and in the title and description of the page. Highquality content is an important ranking factor.

Therefore, it is worth making sure that the texts published on the website are interesting for users, creating content suitable for customers at different stages of the purchasing funnel, and ensuring that the texts contain all important information. If we don't feel able to take care of the content ourselves, let's rely on the help of a copywriter. How to increase the number of visits to the website? How to increase the number of visits to the website? It is worth investing in some wellthoughtout internet marketing activities. Increasing your online visibility or social media activities will result in more traffic and, therefore, greater conversions.